Oferecer atendimento médico de qualidade e humanizado é nosso objetivo maior, seguindo a missão de ampliar o acesso à saúde...







 Nossa Maternidade


One day I was told that having a child and give up mess was going to be difficult.
To face a hypocritical society being young mother would ask me endless forces.

I was told the labor pains, my different body, after sleepless nights and decreased youth.
But never told me that every smile I get is worth more than a ballad, kisses without emotions or frustrating experiences.

They did not tell me that baby smell empreguina soul, and to do without him, even if only to buy something to eat, could hurt more than hunger itself. They never told me that with them we can learn as much, learn to love unconditionally, learn about the love of God, to give without receiving, caring, smiling, hugging all the time.
Now I know why I never liked to hear. People talk too much, criticize others.

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One day I was told that having a child and give up mess was going to be difficult.
To face a hypocritical society being young mother would ask me endless forces.

I was told the labor pains, my different body, after sleepless nights and decreased youth.
But never told me that every smile I get is worth more than a ballad, kisses without emotions or frustrating experiences.

They did not tell me that baby smell empreguina soul, and to do without him, even if only to buy something to eat, could hurt more than hunger itself. They never told me that with them we can learn as much, learn to love unconditionally, learn about the love of God, to give without receiving, caring, smiling, hugging all the time.
Now I know why I never liked to hear. People talk too much, criticize others.

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